
Thank you for visiting the Gilroy Historical Society's web site.  This is where to find out what's going on right here right now, as well as what happened around here in times past.  You can learn about the Society and find out how to get involved. See our calendar for tours, special events, and museum hours, or visit our online store for merchandise from the Gilroy Museum.  

We have a great collection of historic videos, and we're always adding new photo albums too... be sure to check them out!!  

If you have any questions or comments please contact us, we'd love to hear from you!

Old Gilroy City Hall (1905)

About the Society

Our mission is to bring together people who are interested in the history of Gilroy and the surrounding area. We welcome you to learn about the society, join us, or contribute.

Gilroy Museum, 195 Fifth Street

Visit the Museum

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10:00-4:00
First and Second Saturday of each month, 10:00-2:00

195 Fifth Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 846-0446

Gilroy Historical Society Event Calendar


See our complete Calendar of upcoming events, or download our 2024 Walking Tour Schedule (the first Saturday of the month, 10am-noon).

Read about our Founding Father:

Our sesquicentennial edition of John Gilroy's biography is an 85 page thoroughly researched book, originally a Master’s thesis. Society Member Phill Laursen painstakingly digitized the typewritten text and added maps, photos and appropriate sketches of the era. Lisa Wieby at The Printing Spot added the finishing touches and voila! It truly is an outstanding work and will make 1814-1869 come alive for you.

Available in our Online Store.



As promised, the 14th Annual Bowlathon will be held on April 12, 2025, at Morgan Hill Bowl.

Stay tuned: information and entry forms will be out soon!